February 27

February 27, 2023
QEP Town Hall Recordings
Did you miss the QEP town halls? The recordings from the four sessions are accessible on the QEP website, along with the NINERways proposal.
Center for Teaching and Learning Workshops
Supporting Student Study Skills in the Age of A.I.
Join this session to learn how to better support students’ study skills in the age of A.I.. We will demonstrate how to prompt A.I. tools (like ChatGPT) to develop self-study guides, practice assessments, and serve as a personal learning assistant for students. By the end of the hour, you will have an action plan for how to communicate these strategies to students in your course(s).
- Thursday, March 2, 12:00 – 1:00 PM (Register)
Supporting Student Writing Projects in the Age of A.I.
Join this session to learn how to integrate AI tools effectively in writing projects throughout the semester. We will demonstrate how to chunk and scaffold project tasks for peer review and instructor support, as well as how to prompt A.I. tools (like ChatGPT) to enhance the writing process at each stage. By the end of the hour, you will have a planning tool and strategies for integrating AI into writing projects.
- Friday, March 3, 12:00 – 1:00 PM (Register)
Instructional Video Part 3: Creating In-Video Quizzes Using Kaltura
This is the third course in a three course series on Instructional Video use in Canvas. This workshop covers how to use Kaltura’s in-video quizzing tool (IVQ) to embed quizzes in your videos and create video quiz assignments that self-grade and pass-back to the Canvas gradebook. This workshop will also cover how to utilize video analytics to see if and how much of your videos students are watching.
- Tuesday, March 7, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (Register)
Using Cognitive Empathy in the Classroom
Adversity outside the classroom has always seeped into the classroom via multiple pathways. However, in today’s environment, it is impossible to ignore how life challenges instructors’ ability to educate and students’ ability to learn. In this workshop, Dr. Jeanette Bennett leads a 60 min virtual workshop on what is and how to incorporate use of cognitive empathy to strengthen the learning environment of the classroom, whether traditional, 100% online, or somewhere in between. The workshop includes multi-methods: short lectures, group discussions, and other activities. Please join us for an active session where everyone will (hopefully) learn something new.
- Tuesday, March 7, 10:00 – 11:30 AM (Register)
NOTE: This workshop will be held in the Fretwell 126 Hybrid Classroom and via Zoom synchronously. See your enrollment confirmation for details on choosing how to attend.
J. Murrey Atkins Library Events
Atkins BookTalk: A Salon for Readers and Book Lovers
Connect with your fellow book lovers at UNC Charlotte for our first annual BookTalk gathering. We’ll talk about our favorite reads, genres that excite us, and get recommendations on what to read next. This event also celebrates the end of the Atkins Reading Challenge with snacks and giveaways.
- Monday, March 6, 3:00 – 5:00 PM, Halton Reading Room
A Call to Action: Cultivating Antiracist Practices in the Helping Professions
The UNC Charlotte Race and Social Equity Academy (RASE) 2023 Spring Forum will focus on advancing inclusive practices, including anti-racism and equity practices for helping professionals. The forum will feature two dynamic speakers, Isis Bey and Joshua McNeill, sharing best practices for inclusive practice from an intersectional lens. The RASE Spring Forum is hosted in collaboration with the School of Social Work Field Education Office and J. Murrey Atkins Library and is supported by the UNC Charlotte Office of Diversity and Inclusion’s Inclusive Excellence Grant. The event is free, but registration is required.
- Wednesday, March 29, 12:00 – 1:30 PM, via Zoom
U.S. Department of State Expert to Address International Travel, Citizen Safety and Security
Chris Marsh joined the Department of State (DOS) in 2015 and is a Consular Officer in the Office of American Citizens Services and Crisis Management in the Bureau of Consular Affairs. He is the Division Chief for Africa and leads a team supporting embassies and consulates on a wide array of issues related to U.S. citizen safety and security and crisis management. Chris previously covered countries in the Middle East and North Africa as a Country Officer, served as team lead for consular messaging, and as a Hostage Officer at the Hostage Recovery Fusion Cell at the FBI. Marsh has a wealth of consular experience and will engage in discussion and Q & A about travel safety and services provided by our embassies and consulates overseas and working and interning at the DOS. All interested faculty, staff and students are invited to attend. More information.
- Tuesday, March 7, 2:00 – 3:00 PM, Student Union 262
Faculty Judges Needed for Graduate Research Symposium
Faculty Judges Needed: The 23rd Annual Graduate Research Symposium, a student-run, interdisciplinary research conference sponsored by the Graduate & Professional Student Government is on Friday, March 24, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., concluding with an awards reception at 12:30 p.m. Faculty judges are critical to the symposium’s success. Please confirm your participation by March 6.
“I highly encourage graduate faculty to consider serving as a judge during the Graduate Research Symposium. This event is critical to our mission as a top-tier research university and is an important opportunity for our graduate students to gain valuable feedback specific to their research.” -Pinku Mukherjee, Interim Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
49er Family Fund Student Life Allocations
The 49er Family Fund annually allocates grants to campus initiatives related to student life at UNC Charlotte. These allocations help fund programming on campus that might otherwise be unable to be funded by a campus department, student organizations, etc. The 49er Family Fund seeks to serve as a funding catalyst for innovative, high-impact programs that benefit the larger UNC Charlotte campus community. Proposals for the 2023-2024 academic year will be available online starting on Monday, February 27, 2023, and should be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on April 3, 2023. For questions, contact family@uncc.edu.
Call for Faculty Reviewers: The Graduate School’s Summer Fellowship Program
The Graduate School’s Summer Fellowship Program is in need of faculty reviewers. The fellowship program provides doctoral students funding to continue to focus on research over the summer months. Contact Julie Goodliffe for more information.
Faculty News Council
Please visit the Faculty Governance website for the latest news from the Faculty Council including:
Dissertation Defense
The dissertation defense is one of the ways a new scholar demonstrates readiness to join the academy and is an opportunity to share their research widely. View All Dissertation Defense Announcements.
Latest AA News
For up-to-the-minute news from Academic Affairs (faculty awards, research, recognition, initiatives), visit the Academic Affairs Division News webpage.

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Deadline for submission is 11:00 a.m. every Friday.