October 28

As part of the realignment of funds from diversity initiatives, the Chancellor has agreed to invest in student success pilot projects and provide faculty/staff opportunities to explore innovative initiatives that support increases in retention and graduation rates.  The Student Success Grants aim to fund initiatives that present clearly defined and measurable outcomes that are aligned with increasing retention and graduation rates. Proposals must demonstrate how the pilot project will contribute to improving student success metrics for all students or specific sub-populations of students and outline a comprehensive plan with specific strategies, milestones, and deliverables that will lead to positive and lasting outcomes. Four grants in the amount of $15,000 each will be awarded to collaborative teams of faculty and/or staff whose projects are selected. We encourage interested teams to submit proposals by 5:00 p.m. on November 1. More information regarding proposal requirements and submission details can be found on the Office of Undergraduate Education website.

CTL 25th Anniversary Party

Celebrate the Center’s legacy and honor those whose contributions have made a lasting impact!

Friday, November 1, Kennedy Building, 2nd Floor (RSVP)

  • 3:00 – 3:15 PM: Welcome
  • 3:15 – 4:00 PM: Anniversary Program (Toasts and Awards)
  • 4:00 – 5:00 PM: Social Networking

Center for Teaching and Learning Workshops 

Generative AI Workshops

Learning with Generative AI: Stories from the Classroom and Clinic

Certificate Workshops

Essentials of Teaching and Learning Certificate

Syllabus 101: Roadmap to Success

Introduction to Learning Objectives and Backward Design

Enhancing Cultural Awareness

Teaching Effectiveness with Canvas Tools

Part 2: Canvas Studio – Exploring Video Insights

Please visit the Faculty Governance website for the latest news from the Faculty Council including: 

The dissertation defense is one of the ways a new scholar demonstrates readiness to join the academy and is an opportunity to share their research widely. View All Dissertation Defense Announcements.

For up-to-the-minute news from Academic Affairs (faculty awards, research, recognition, initiatives), visit the Academic Affairs Division News webpage.

To have items included in the digest, complete the NEWS DIGEST REQUEST FORM

Deadline for submission is 11:00 a.m. every Friday.