For up-to-the-minute news from Academic Affairs (faculty awards, research, recognition, initiatives), visit the Academic Affairs Division News webpage.
January 13
eBooks and ILL Pilot Project
Atkins Library is piloting a project this semester to experiment with fulfilling requests for whole e-books via interlibrary loan (ILL) in pdf format for graduate students, faculty and staff. Read more.
College Announces New Associate Dean for Research
Dean José Gámez has appointed Professor of Art History Jae Emerling the new associate dean for research in the College of Arts + Architecture. Emerling assumes the position with the start of the spring 2025 semester.
The associate dean for research serves as the dean’s senior research officer and works to advance the mission of the College of Arts + Architecture through the support of the college’s research initiatives (both graduate and undergraduate) and the strategic pursuit of research and extramural funding. In consultation with Dean Gámez, Emerling will develop, establish and lead research policies, procedures, programs/initiatives, and goals for the college. In this effort, he will be expected to work closely with the Division of Research, support interdisciplinary grant initiatives (such as ArtXSci), seek new arts research opportunities, and recruit, convene and support current and future researchers and research teams within the college. Emerling will also serve as the college’s liaison and administrative advisor to its research centers and labs.
Emerling is a professor of modern and contemporary art history. He is the author of three books: Theory for Art History (2005, second edition 2019), Photography: History and Theory (2012), and Transmissibility: Writing Aesthetic History (2023). His work has also appeared in the Journal of Visual Culture, History of Photography, Radical Philosophy, CAA Reviews, and the Journal of Art Historiography. Learn more.
University Policies re: Handling and Retention of Student Education Records
A reminder of University Policies 402 and 605.3 regarding the handling and retention of student education records:
University Policy: 402, Student Education Records (FERPA)
Federal law protects the confidentiality of records maintained by the University and relating directly to a student and also provides guidance for the proper handling of records by UNC Charlotte as a public institution. University Policy 402 defines what is considered a student education record and specifies when and how such records may be disclosed. Additionally, the policy addresses persons permitted access to such records and their responsibility for maintaining confidentiality in handling and accessing them. Please take an opportunity to review University Policy: 402, Student Education Records (FERPA).
University Policy: 605.3, Retention, Disposition, and Security of University Records Chapters 121 and 132 of the General Statutes of North Carolina govern the retention, disposition, and security of University records, including student education records. The UNC System Office provides minimum retention standards for the handling of student records in the UNC Records Retention and Disposition Schedule. Please take time to ensure the proper storage, handling, retention, and disposition of student education records. Please discuss this policy and schedule with all employees approved for access to handle these records. For more information, see University Policy 605.3, Retention, Disposition, and Security of University Records.
Center for Teaching and Learning
What’s New in the CTL?
SAVE THE DATE for the 3rd Annual AI Institute for Smarter Learning to be held on May 14, 2025!
The call for proposals will open in February.
Looking Forward → What’s Happening this Semester:
- Coming Soon:
- The 2025 AI Institute Call for Proposals (Feb)
- The 2025 AI Institute Registration (March)
- SoTL Scholars Series (March)
- The Faculty Professional Development and Teaching Showcase (April)
- 2 new cohorts for the AI Professional Certificate (Feb and June)
- Check out the AI Across the Curriculum Webpage for resources and support related to teaching and learning with AI!
Center for Teaching and Learning SPRING workshops are back!
Spring Faculty Workshops are in full swing. Click the links below to register!
Generative AI
Overview of Gen-AI Tools for Education
Part 1: Introduction to Gen-AI and Prompt Writing
Part 2: Student Study Skills with Gen-AI
Part 3: Student Writing Skills with Gen-AI
Ethical Considerations for Teaching with Gen-AI
Zoom AI for Teaching
Syllabus and Classroom Communication on AI Tools
Canvas Foundations
Part 1: Canvas Studio – Creating Video Assignments
Part 2: Canvas Studio – Creating Video Quizzes
Active Learning
Getting Started with Active Teaching and Learning
**This workshop is part of the Essentials of Teaching and Learning Certificate.
Part 1: Teaching with Poll Everywhere
Part 2: Active Learning with Poll Everywhere
Designing and Implementing Group Projects
Teaching Effectiveness with Canvas Tools
Part 1: Canvas Analytics for Early Intervention
Part 2: Canvas Analytics to Improve Your Canvas Course Design
Part 3: Canvas Studio – Exploring Video Insights
Student Success Strategies
Growth Mindset Activities for Your Class
Essentials of Teaching and Learning Certificate Workshops
Syllabus 101: Roadmap to Success
- Workshop (1-Day)
Using Feedback to Improve Teaching and Learning
- Asynchronous Course
Enhancing Cultural Awareness
- Asynchronous Course
- Workshop (1-day)
Please visit the Faculty Governance website for the latest news from the Faculty Council including:
The dissertation defense is one of the ways a new scholar demonstrates readiness to join the academy and is an opportunity to share their research widely. View All Dissertation Defense Announcements.

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Deadline for submission is 11:00 a.m. every Friday.