Faculty and Staff Welcome at urbanCORE’s March Events
urbanCORE, UNC Charlotte’s hub for community engagement, invites faculty and staff to our March events:
Reduce DFW Rates through Full Participation (Online Workshop)
Using ten years of grade data, Dr. Holly Middleton will share the positive impact of community-building classroom practices on students’ academic development. Understand principles for building full participation, generate ideas for your own courses, and discuss adaptation to different classroom contexts.
- Thursday, March 13, 4:00 – 5:00 PM (Register)
Field Trip to Niner University Elementary School
Join a small group of colleagues on a field trip to see the innovative early literacy learning that community engaged teaching and learning are making possible at Niner University Elementary, UNC Charlotte’s laboratory school. This event would be relevant to anyone interested in the potential of early holistic education to drive social mobility. Transportation and refreshments provided.
- Tuesday, March 25, 2:00 – 5:00 PM (Register)