March 10

Join the Urban Institute and urbanCORE for an open house event tomorrow, Tuesday, March 11. Connect with colleagues, explore collaboration opportunities and unwind in a casual setting. Enjoy light refreshments, beer and wine at Sycamore Hall. For questions, contact Vicki Doolittle.

The Office of International Programs invites you to join the 2025 UNC Charlotte International Women’s Day (IWD) celebration on Tuesday, March 11, where faculty, staff and students nominated for their work in global collaboration and understanding efforts will be recognized. Featured will be the Charlotteans women chorale and special honoree, Autumn Weil, the Executive Director, International House. The topic of her presentation will be “Creating a Culture of Resilience.” The celebration will take place on Tuesday, March 11, 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Lucas Room, Cone Center. The event will include food, music, and inspiration. We will have food containers for those celebrating Ramadan. Register on the IWD website.

The call for nominations is now open for faculty nominees for the 2026 O. Max Gardner Award. This award is given annually by the UNC Board of Governors to “that member of the faculty of the University of North Carolina who, during the current scholastic year, has made the greatest contribution to the welfare of the human race.” Nominees can be of any rank, “including instructors, engaged in teaching in any unit, institution or branch of service” in the University system. Past UNC Charlotte recipients of the award include Pinku Mukherjee, Department of Biological Sciences, and Diane M. Browder, Department of Special Education.  More details about previous campus nominees can be found on the Office of Academic Affairs website. Please forward the names of nominees to Jen Knight; the deadline has been extended to 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14. Include in your nomination the individual’s name, rank, and department/unit. Also, please provide a brief description of this individual’s specific contribution(s) or achievement(s) and why they would make a good nominee. If your nominee is selected to be put forward as our campus nominee for the award, you will be asked to collaborate on a letter of recommendation.

Digital Humanities @ Charlotte Meetup

Join us for a campus meetup of digital humanities (DH) practitioners, enthusiasts and those interested in learning more about DH and connecting with others. This will be an opportunity to share your DH research and/or projects, and make connections for current and future collaborations. We would also like to work together to build a collective idea of what DH looks like on our campus. Pastries and coffee/tea will be provided. 

  • Thursday, March 13, 10:00 – 11:00 AM, Area 49, Visualization Lab (2nd floor of Atkins Library) (Register)

Behind the Screens Series

Join the Critical Media Literacy Collaborative, Niner Times, and Atkins Library for a series of engaging panel discussions and workshops to explore social media ownership and digital privacy. Part two is
“Scrolling Smarter: Managing Your Digital Privacy.” This hands-on workshop is designed to help you navigate the digital world with confidence. The workshop will begin with a brief overview of digital privacy and media literacy. Following this introduction, attendees can explore interactive stations where you can complete practical tasks like adjusting privacy settings on popular social media platforms, learning quick fact-checking techniques, and discovering tools to safeguard your personal information online. This event is part two of the series Behind the Screens: Exploring Social Media Ownership and Digital Privacy. Open to all students, faculty, and staff. 

  • Wednesday, March 19, 10:00 – 11:00 AM, Halton Reading Room (Register)

urbanCORE, UNC Charlotte’s hub for community engagement, invites faculty and staff to our March events:

Reduce DFW Rates through Full Participation (Online Workshop)

Using ten years of grade data, Dr. Holly Middleton will share the positive impact of community-building classroom practices on students’ academic development. Understand principles for building full participation, generate ideas for your own courses, and discuss adaptation to different classroom contexts. 

  • Thursday, March 13, 4:00 – 5:00 PM (Register

Field Trip to Niner University Elementary School

Join a small group of colleagues on a field trip to see the innovative early literacy learning that community engaged teaching and learning are making possible at Niner University Elementary, UNC Charlotte’s laboratory school. This event would be relevant to anyone interested in the potential of early holistic education to drive social mobility. Transportation and refreshments provided. 

  • Tuesday, March 25, 2:00 – 5:00 PM (Register)

Taking time off for medical needs, family care, or to bond with a newborn can be overwhelming for employees, especially with the complexity of the FMLA process. Whether your employee needs full-time or intermittent leave, understanding your responsibilities as a supervisor can help ease the process. Please join the Office of Legal Affairs and Benefits Office for Part II of this interactive FMLA refresher. In this session, we will cover essential information every supervisor should know about FMLA rights and responsibilities, proper timekeeping, streamlining the HR process and much more! Through scenarios, the presenters will also discuss how to manage some frequently encountered, complex issues. Presenters: André Lindsay, Senior Associate General Counsel for the Office of Legal Affairs, Krissy Kaylor, Director of Benefits and Maria Sanchez, Benefits Consultant. 

  • Wednesday, March 19, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, via Zoom (Register

*Registrants will receive the Zoom link prior to the presentation.

Join us for this year’s Faculty Professional Development Showcase to learn how fellow faculty made improvements in their teaching as a result of their participation in professional development activities around campus. The purpose of this event is both to raise awareness, and celebrate faculty best practices at UNC Charlotte. It is hosted by the Office for Assessment and Accreditation, Center for Teaching and Learning, Atkins Library, Communication Across the Curriculum and the Office of Sustainability. Register by March 26 to attend on April 2, from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Halton Reading Room of Atkins Library. A light lunch will be served. Visit the Faculty Showcase Webpages on the Office of Assessment & Accreditation website to learn more about the upcoming showcase and past events.

AI: Register for the 3rd AI Summit

New AI Workshops: Celebrate AI Literacy Day at Charlotte on March 28 through April

A full-day of new topics to learn about AI on March 28 (Friday)

Attend the SoTL Research Scholars Series on March 11, 17, and 19

  • Join the SoTL Scholars Series to explore faculty-led research on impactful teaching and learning through UNC Charlotte’s SoTL Grants Program.
    • Session 1- March 11: by Lufei Young, Apryl Alexander, Juliana Marino
    • Session 2- March 17: by Qiong Cheng, Kathleen Jordan, Melinda Pierce, Nadia Najjar, Lijuan Cao
    • Session 3- March 19: Madelyn Colonnesem, Laura McCorkle, Harini Ramaprasad, Meera Sridhar
  • Learn more, register for sessions, and access SoTL project proposals

Come Walk With US: CTL’s First-Ever Walking Workshop on March 11 and 17

  • A Walkshop on Narrative Intelligence: Use the Power of Story in Your Teaching

Please visit the Faculty Governance website for the latest news from the Faculty Council including: 

The dissertation defense is one of the ways a new scholar demonstrates readiness to join the academy and is an opportunity to share their research widely. View All Dissertation Defense Announcements.

For up-to-the-minute news from Academic Affairs (faculty awards, research, recognition, initiatives), visit the Academic Affairs Division News webpage.

To have items included in the digest, complete the NEWS DIGEST REQUEST FORM

Deadline for submission is 11:00 a.m. every Friday.