A reminder of University Policies 402 and 605.3 regarding the retention of records:
University Policy: 402, Student Education Records (FERPA)
Federal law protects the confidentiality of records maintained by the University and relating directly to a student and also provides guidance for the proper handling of records by UNC Charlotte as a public institution. University Policy 402 defines what is considered a student education record and specifies when and how such records may be disclosed. Additionally, the policy addresses persons permitted access to such records and their responsibility for maintaining confidentiality in handling and accessing them. Please take an opportunity to review University Policy: 402, Student Education Records (FERPA).
University Policy 605.3: Retention, Disposition, and Security of University Records Chapters 121 and 132 of the General Statutes of North Carolina govern the retention, disposition, and security of University records, including student education records. The UNC System Office provides minimum retention standards for the handling of student records in the UNC Records Retention and Disposition Schedule. Please take time to ensure the proper storing, handling, retention, and disposition of student education records. Please discuss this policy and schedule with all employees approved for access to handle these records. For more information, see University Policy 605.3, Retention, Disposition, and Security of University Records.