UNC Charlotte Academic Policy: Academic Standing (Undergraduate)

I. Executive Summary

This policy provides the definitions associated with academic standing and details the differences between academic warnings, probation, and suspension.

II. Policy Statement

This policy statement applies only to undergraduates: “student” should be read as “undergraduate student” throughout. Newly admitted students begin in good academic standing. Each student’s academic standing is evaluated at the end of every Fall or Spring semester for which the student was enrolled, based on hours attempted at UNC Charlotte only. The possible results of this evaluation are described below:


A student will have one of the following types of academic standing:

Good Academic Standing

To remain in good academic standing, a student must maintain: (1) a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 and (2) a cumulative ratio of earned to attempted credit hours of at least two-thirds.

Academic Standing Warning

A student who meets the cumulative requirements for good academic standing but performs below a 2.0 GPA in the semester of the evaluation or performs below the two-thirds cumulative ratio of earned to attempted hours is given a “academic standing warning.” This indicates potential academic problems and is communicated to the student and to the student’s advisor and major department(s). Academic standing warnings do not appear on the student’s permanent academic record, and the transcript notation will reflect “good academic standing.”

Academic Probation

A student whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0 is placed on academic probation. This status is noted on the student’s permanent academic record with the semester of the evaluation and continues until the next evaluation opportunity.

Academic Suspension

A student on academic probation whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 at the next evaluation is suspended from the University, unless the student’s GPA for that semester is at least 2.3, in which case the student remains on probation instead. Academic suspension is noted on the student’s permanent academic record.

Exception for Summer Enrollment

Students who are on academic suspension are permitted to enroll in Summer Term classes, but they are not eligible to enroll for Fall or Spring semesters until they have applied and been approved for reinstatement or readmission.

III. Definitions

  • GPA (Grade Point Average) – The grade point average for an undergraduate student is determined by adding all accumulated quality points together, and then dividing by the total number of GPA hours the student has attempted, excluding those for which the student received a grade of I, IP, W, WE, H, P, AU, or N. In computing the grade point average, only those credits attempted at UNC Charlotte are included. See the GPA Calculator.
  • Attempted Hours – The credits received from courses completed at UNC Charlotte, regardless of grade earned, courses from which students withdrew (W or WE), and courses that were repeated (even if additional credit was not earned).
  • Earned Hours – The credits received from courses successfully completed at UNC Charlotte.
  • Semester or Term – A period of study, usually a third of the academic year (i.e., Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters). Fall and Spring semesters generally include a period of study of one 15-week and two 7-week half terms. The Summer semester generally includes one eleven-week and two five-week half terms. UNC Charlotte offers courses for the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters, as well as varying term lengths associated with each semester.  For the definition of each term refer to the Office of the Registrar.

IV. Policy Contact(s)

V. History

  • Approved: November 15, 1982 [named “Academic Probation and Suspension” policy upon approval]
  • Revised: April 27, 2000
  • Revised: January 27, 2011
  • Revised: April 24, 2014 [Faculty Council updated all policy definitions]
  • Revised: January 14, 2016 [Faculty Council renamed this policy from “Academic Probation and Suspension” and revised much of the language]; new policy became effective Fall 2016
  • Revised: May 17, 2021 [removed reference to financial aid requirements]
  • Revised: May 17, 2024 [changed “Good Academic Standing Warning” to “Academic Standing Warning”]

VI. Prior Versions

VII. Related Policies, Procedures and Resources

VIII. Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where is this policy referenced?
    The policy is published on the Academic Policies & Procedures webpage of the Provost website and in the Degree Requirements & Academic Policies section of the Undergraduate Catalog.
  • Which students are covered under this policy?
    This policy applies to all undergraduate students at UNC Charlotte.
  • Can a student appeal an Academic Suspension status?
    Yes, every student is given the opportunity to appeal their suspension status. Please refer to the Office of the Registrar for additional information on appeals.
  • How are students notified of the Good Academic Standing Warning status?
    Students will receive an email for this status. Academic advisors will also receive an email so students can reach out to their advisor for assistance.
  • Is the Good Academic Standing Warning processed after each semester?
    No, this process is completed and communications are sent after the fall and spring semesters.
  • Is the Good Academic Standing Warning placed on the student’s permanent academic record?
    This warning is not placed on a student’s permanent record.
  • Does the Good Academic Standing Warning status lead to Academic Suspension?
    No, this warning does not lead to suspension. This academic standing warning is for students in Good Academic Standing with a semester GPA below a 2.0.
  • What if the academic advisor is incorrect on a student’s academic record?
    Students should be directed to their current academic department to have their academic advisor updated.