About Academic Affairs

Led by the Provost and Vice Chancellor, the Office of Academic Affairs is responsible for the planning, development, implementation, administration, and evaluation of the University’s programs in instruction, research, and public service. The Office works closely with the Deans of the Colleges and the Graduate School and has responsibility for making final recommendations to the Chancellor, the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Governors concerning the establishment of new academic programs and the appointment, promotion, tenure, and salaries of faculty. The Office also facilitates academic policies, procedures, and standards for both students and faculty, as well as publishing both the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.

Academic Affairs is assisted in its endeavors by its division units: Academic Budget; Academic HR; Center for ADVANCing Faculty Success; Charlotte Urban Institute; Enrollment Management; Graduate School; Honors College; Institutional Research and Decision Support; International Programs; J. Murrey Atkins Library; Office of Undergraduate Education; School of Professional Studies; urbanCORE; and the eight discipline-based academic colleges — Arts + Architecture, Business, Computing and Informatics, Education, Engineering, Health and Human Services, Science, and Humanities and Earth & Envirionmental Science.