Faculty & Staff

Faculty Special Accommodations During Pandemic Period
To: Department Chairs/School Directors Cc: Deans, Associate/Assistant Deans, Business Managers, Faculty Council President From: Lori McMahon, Associate Provost for Academic Budget and Personnel We continue to plan for a Spring 2022 semester with primarily (70% or greater) face-to-face classes. The instructions below assume that in preparing the spring schedule, department chairs have taken into account […]

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean Transition
Dear colleagues: As you know, Dean Nancy Gutierrez has announced her intention to retire effective June 30, 2022. Dean Gutierrez has served as dean for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS) for 16 years and has guided the college through a period of significant growth in research and graduate education. She has been […]

Course and Program Deadlines for 2022-2023 Catalogs
This is a reminder to start submitting course and curriculum proposals. The earlier you start, the more likely the proposal will reach final approval in time for publication in the next Catalog. Only timely course and program proposals will be included. For more information visit Course and Curriculum Deadlines and FAQs. Deadlines 10/31/21 SUBMISSION DEADLINE […]

General Education Town Hall Meetings
Dear Faculty, The General Education Task Force has made its Phase 1 Recommendations and is scheduling two open Town Hall meetings next week to get your feedback: Thursday, September 23, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Friday, September 24, 10:10-11:40 a.m. Your participation in town hall meetings last year informed the Phase 1 recommendations the Task Force has developed, […]
Provost Joan Lorden Announces Retirement
Dear colleagues, After over eighteen years as provost, I have informed the Chancellor of my intention to step down at the end of the academic year. Even with all the ups and downs and challenges we have faced over these past several years, I still cannot imagine a job I would have enjoyed more. I […]

9 Faculty Members Recognized for 25 Years of Service
With the start of the Fall 2021 semester, nine members of the faculty are recognized for achieving 25 years of service to UNC Charlotte. Brian Cooper, Chemistry Warren DiBiase, Middle, Secondary, and K-12 Education Sarah Jordan, Special Education and Child Development Carol Leeman, Communication Studies Mark Pizzato, Theatre David Pugalee, Center for Science, Technology, Engineering, […]

24 Faculty Members Awarded Tenure
With the start of the Fall 2021 semester, twenty-four members of the faculty are recognized for receiving tenure. Allison Amidei, Theatre Erin Basinger, Communication Studies Christopher Bejger, Chemistry Danielle Boaz, Africana Studies Hilary Dack, Middle, Secondary, and K-12 Education David Dalton, Languages and Culture Studies Wenwen Dou, Computer Science Jason Giersch, Political Science and Public […]

16 Faculty Members Promoted to Full Professor
At the start of the Fall 2021 semester, sixteen members of the faculty were recognized for their promotions to Full Professor. Each faculty member will receive a Jefferson Cup, designed by Thomas Jefferson, founder of the University of Virginia. The cups were engraved with the UNC Charlotte logo, the faculty member’s name, department, and the […]

Faculty FAQs for AY 2021-22
FAQs for Faculty Requesting Accommodations During COVID-19 Pandemic I am immunocompromised or I have a family member who is immunocompromised, may I choose to work remotely? Faculty may request an accommodation and get prior approval to make changes in course format for the duration of the semester. The process in place directs faculty to bring […]

Faculty Profile: Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau
Dr. Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau is recognized as a master teacher in the Department of Languages and Culture Studies and beyond. She is a finalist in the 2021 Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence competition. In describing Dr. Aliaga-Buchenau, Dr. Michèle Bissière, Department Chair stated, “She shines in the classroom and always receives near perfect evaluations […]