General Info

Community Talk to Discuss Gene Nichol’s “The Faces of Poverty”
Join Gene R. Nichol, the Boyd Tinsley Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in conversation on his book, The Faces of Poverty in North Carolina: Stories From Our Invisible Citizens. The Faces of Poverty tells the stories of hundreds of poor North Carolinians and those working to alleviate […]

Emergency Relief Fund Providing Direct Student Aid
UNC Charlotte has been granted $727,808 from the Governors Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER), which is a program of the Education Stabilization Fund created by the CARES Act and administered by the U.S. Department of Education. The funds will be used entirely for student aid to help current students be able to continue their education […]

Grade Election Deadline Extended to Dec. 16; New Grade Designation Added
After receiving additional feedback from students and faculty, the Undergraduate Grading Policy for the 2020-21 academic year has been amended. Undergraduate students may elect P/N grading in up to three courses during the academic year. There are two changes: The deadline for electing P/N grading has been extended until Wednesday, December 16 at 11:59 p.m. […]

Kirby Appointed Associate Provost of Enrollment Management
Claire Kirby has been appointed the new Associate Provost of Enrollment Management at UNC Charlotte. Kirby joined UNC Charlotte in April 2005 and has been the Director of Admissions since August 2012. Kirby led UNC Charlotte’s Undergraduate Admissions team to achieve 26% growth in new freshmen and 10% growth in new transfer students over the […]

“As a Matter of Fact”
UNC Charlotte in collaboration with the UNC Press presents “As a Matter of Fact” – Conversations with UNC Press Authors Join Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Assistant Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, on Nov. 12, 2020, at 6 p.m. in conversation with UNC Charlotte’s Dr. Lori Thomas about Taylor’s 2019 book, Race for Profit: […]

Course and Program Deadlines for 2021-2022 Catalogs
This is a reminder to start submitting course and curriculum proposals. The earlier you start, the more likely the proposal will reach final approval in time for publication in the next Catalog. Only timely course and program proposals will be included. For more information visit Course and Curriculum Deadlines and FAQs. Deadlines October 31, 2020: […]

14 Faculty Members Recognized for 25 Years of Service
With the start of the Fall 2020 semester, fourteen members of the faculty are recognized for achieving 25 years of service to UNC Charlotte. Hughlene Burton, Accountancy Harrison Campbell, Geography and Earth Sciences Mark Clemens, Biological Sciences Yuanan Diao, Mathematics and Statistics James Franki, Art and Art History Laurie Garo, Geography and Earth Sciences Susan […]

24 Faculty Members Awarded Tenure
With the start of the Fall 2020 semester, twenty-four members of the faculty are recognized for receiving tenure. Mary Atkinson, Political Science and Public Administration Balaka Basu, English Kristen Beach, Special Education and Child Development Elise Berman, Anthropology Thomas Burch, Theatre Anne Cash, Reading and Elementary Education Elizabeth Delmelle, Geography and Earth Sciences Cindy Gilson, […]

19 Faculty Members Promoted to Full Professor
At the start of the Fall 2020 semester, nineteen members of the faculty were recognized for their promotions to Full Professor. Each faculty member will receive a Jefferson Cup, designed by Thomas Jefferson, founder of the University of Virginia. The cups were engraved with the UNC Charlotte logo, the faculty member’s name, department, and the […]

2020-2021 Catalogs Now Available Online
The new 2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs are now available online. The newly published catalogs contain new or revised programs and courses that have reached final approval through Curriculog. Please note that the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs are each published online once per year. Curriculum proposals currently in progress and any new proposals will be […]