Requested Next Steps

Dear colleagues,
Many thanks to all of you who have moved quickly to put your courses into alternative formats. Our goal is to help our students complete the semester, and you have stepped up. As this unprecedented situation continues to unfold, I am asking for more of your help in some specific ways.
If you have not already done so, reach out to all the students in your classes to let them know either that your class will continue next week in an online format (and how it will work), or that you will be taking the one-week hiatus. It is also very important for you to ensure that students know that you want them to be successful in your class, and that you will work with them to make that possible. Students (and their families) are understandably concerned, and only you can provide the reassurance that you will be flexible as we work our way through this new landscape.
Since we cannot know, at this point, how things will play out in the weeks ahead, I am also asking that you consider the framework you use for assessing students’ mastery of the learning outcomes in your classes. In particular, please consider putting in place assignments, exams, and other assessments so that you have enough information to assign a grade should it become necessary to end the semester prematurely.
We are amassing resources to support students and faculty and will be providing links and FAQs through the Emergency Management site and Center for Teaching and Learning site. The latter has a wealth of information that can help you navigate what I know is unfamiliar terrain for many of you, and more will be added as we learn about your needs.
If you have questions or concerns that cannot be answered through the emergency FAQs or in your college or department, please reach out.
And THANK YOU! I know that the University is asking a lot, but the role that you, the faculty, play is critical. What you are doing to make this situation work for our students is essential and very much appreciated.
Joan F. Lorden
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs