Pass/No Credit Option for Spring 2020

Dear students,
I hope that you all are beginning to adapt as we face changing circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have heard from many of you and understand that many students have additional personal stress at this time.
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Faculty Executive Committee has voted to create an exception to the UNC Charlotte grading policy for spring 2020. This change gives students the option to request Pass/No Credit grades to replace standard letter grades for any or all of their Spring 2020 courses at the completion of the semester. Instruction for all courses will continue, and faculty will provide letter grades as usual at the end of the semester. Students who wish to accept their letter grade for a course will still have that option.
For those students who wish to accept their letter grade (A, B, C, D, F), then no further action will be required on their part. At the completion of the semester, those students who wish to replace a letter grade with Pass/No Credit will need to request this accommodation by June 1. The Office of the Registrar is working on a method to collect these requests and will share information as soon as it is developed.
I encourage you to consult with your advisor, program coordinator, department chair, or college dean if there is any concern about how the Pass/No Credit accommodation may impact future study in your major, professional school admission, or licensure.
Please view the details of the Pass/No Credit accommodation in the Exception to the Grading Policy for Spring 2020 here.
While we are not in an ideal situation, our goal is to ensure you can complete the semester and stay on track for graduation. Please connect with academic resources to assist you.
Be safe and stay well.
Joan F. Lorden
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs