Accommodate Students Moving Due to COVID-19 Response

Dear colleagues,
Earlier today, Chancellor Dubois shared that it may become necessary for our South Village residence halls to be used in conjunction with the Mecklenburg County or the state of North Carolina planning and response efforts for COVID-19.
As a result, I ask for your flexibility and accommodation for students who will be required to move out of South Village quickly to prepare for this possibility.
These students will be asked to return to campus to pack up their remaining belongings which were left behind in March and move out of their room. Those who can’t return will have their belongings packed and stored. In addition, the students who currently live in those halls due to an on-campus exception will be asked to relocate to a different residence hall on campus.
This is another unforeseen disruption in these students’ lives when they are trying to complete the semester under challenging conditions. I have already asked you to be flexible with our students and you have done that. I now ask you to be even more empathetic with our South Village residents.
Please excuse any absences and extend assignment deadlines to provide an opportunity for these students to return and collect their things. We are asking these students to inform their instructors, if they are part of this group.
I appreciate all you are doing to support our students as we all work together to complete this semester.
Joan F. Lorden
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs