RPT Extended for Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty

Dear colleagues,
Each of our lives has been disrupted in some way by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. For our faculty members, we recognize that this disruption may negatively impact one’s ability to devote adequate time to research and writing. In addition, many conferences have been canceled and travel has been suspended.
In the spirit of fairness, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University is extending the RPT clock by one year for all tenured, tenure-track, and library faculty. The information that follows applies to tenured and tenure-track faculty; separate guidance specific to non-tenure track faculty will be forthcoming.
Effective immediately, every faculty member on path for reappointment, promotion with tenure, or promotion to full professor has an automatic extension of 12 months to complete their dossier. No further action is required to receive this automatic extension. Tenured faculty performance review (TFPR) will also be provided an automatic one-year extension. This does not apply to faculty whose dossiers were reviewed in the AY19-20 cycle which is now complete.
A faculty member may choose to decline the automatic extension if they are ready for review (reappointment, promotion with tenure, promotion to full, or tenured faculty performance review) within the original timeframe. In this case, the faculty member should submit in writing to their unit (department, school) head (chair, director) and dean that they are declining the extension.
In addition, we recognize that the abrupt switch to remote learning during the Spring 2020 semester may not demonstrate an instructor’s best pedagogy. As such this semester’s end-of-course reviews will be provided to the instructor only. Faculty will have the ability to choose whether to include the results of the Spring 2020 end-of-course evaluations in all upcoming reviews. Faculty also may choose to reflect on their experiences this semester as part of their review package.
Joan F. Lorden
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
FAQs – RPT Extension for Spring 2020
Is there a deadline to decline the extension, if desired?
Faculty members should follow their college’s guidelines for preparation of a dossier.
If a faculty member that is scheduled for tenure review is unable to identify external reviewers during this time, can they request the extension?
All faculty scheduled for review in 2020-21 have an extension. There is no need to request one.
If a faculty member chooses the extension for their 3rd year review, does this move their timeline for tenure submission back one year as well?
Yes, this does not change the amount of time allowed between reappointment and candidacy for promotion.
Can an assistant professor go ahead with their normally scheduled reappointment review, but then extend the schedule for their promotion and tenure review by one year?
No, this would constitute opting out of the tenure clock delay.
Can an Assistant Professor extend their reappointment review, but then go ahead with a non-extended schedule for promotion and tenure?
An assistant professor received a one-year extension to review for tenure for a reason unrelated to COVID-19, can this assistant professor receive the COVID-19 extension as well?
Are there modifications for the associated deadlines for non tenure-track faculty?
Review processes and schedules for non tenure-track faculty are handled at the college. Please consult with your dean. If a faculty member declines the extension, proceeds in 2020-21, and the case does not go well, can they decide while the case is under review that they would like the extension after all? Faculty members should weigh the potential consequences of opting out of the one-year delay and consult with their department chairs about their readiness for promotion and tenure. Faculty who are denied tenure receive a notice that their employment ends in one year.