Withdrawal Practices Amended During Pandemic

To provide accommodations during the fall 2020 semester, UNC Charlotte has expanded its withdrawal practices to allow students to withdraw with extenuating circumstances (WE) if they have personal issues that have negatively impacted their studies as a result of COVID-19. Course withdrawals for this reason will not count against any institutional limits. Withdrawals prior to the deadline of November 3 are automatically converted to a WE. No additional documentation will be necessary. After November 3, students must submit undergraduate petitions to the college’s Associate Dean instead of the Student Assistance and Support Services office; graduate petitions should be submitted to the Graduate School.
Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor when considering a course withdrawal. Advisors should communicate with students any consequences that may result from a student taking a WE. While the course withdrawal will not count against university limits, it may count against program limits and negatively impact time to degree. In addition, there may be financial aid implications to some students, including veterans and international students.