Provost Joan Lorden Announces Retirement

Dear colleagues,

After over eighteen years as provost, I have informed the Chancellor of my intention to step down at the end of the academic year. Even with all the ups and downs and challenges we have faced over these past several years, I still cannot imagine a job I would have enjoyed more. I work with incredibly talented people to achieve a lofty mission, one that resonates with me personally. As a first-generation college student, education at a free public institution was my first step toward a rewarding career, first as a professor and then as a university administrator. It is an unalloyed pleasure to witness the growth and success of a campus that has served so many first-generation students so well while developing as a research institution and serving this community in ways that few universities can claim.

I am deeply grateful to the three Chancellors with whom I have been fortunate to work and to all of you, my colleagues in Academic Affairs, who serve our students and community each and every day and make the provost look good. Thank you!

With affection,