Course and Program Deadlines for 2022-2023 Catalogs

This is a reminder to start submitting course and curriculum proposals. The earlier you start, the more likely the proposal will reach final approval in time for publication in the next Catalog. Only timely course and program proposals will be included. For more information visit Course and Curriculum Deadlines and FAQs.
10/31/21 |
SUBMISSION DEADLINE (strongly recommended) for ‘Course Revision’ proposals. ‘Course Revision’ proposals should be launched and approved by Originator via Curriculog by October 31st to help ensure final approval by the end deadline of March 15th. The likelihood of reaching final approval before the end deadline increases the earlier the proposal is started by the Originator. |
12/31/21 |
SUBMISSION DEADLINE for all course and curriculum proposals. Course and curriculum proposals should be launched and approved by Originator via Curriculog by December 31st to help ensure final approval by the end deadline of April 30th. Do not wait until submission deadline to submit! The likelihood of reaching final approval before the end deadline increases the earlier the proposal is started by the Originator. |
3/15/22 |
FINAL APPROVAL DEADLINE for ‘Course Revision’ proposals. ‘Course Revision’ proposals must reach the Banner Step by March 15th (for processing prior to start of registration) to receive a Fall 2022 effective term and appear in the 2022-2023 Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog. Late proposals will receive a Fall 2023 effective term. |
4/30/22 |
FINAL APPROVAL DEADLINE for all course and curriculum proposals. Course and curriculum proposals must reach the Banner Step by April 30th (for processing prior to Catalog publication) to receive a Fall 2022 effective term and appear in the 2022-2023 Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog. Late proposals will receive a Fall 2023 effective term. |
6/01/22 |
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog posted online. Only timely course and program proposals will be included. Late proposals will be included in the 2023-2024 Catalog instead. |
6/15/22 |
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog posted online. Only timely course and program proposals will be included. Late proposals will be included in the 2023-2024 Catalog instead. |