Message from Chancellor Gaber and Provost Lorden

Dear Colleagues,
As we recently announced, the University has formed a search committee to assist in the selection of the next provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs for UNC Charlotte. In preparation for the recruitment of this role, we have updated and enhanced several aspects of our organizational structure to continue progress in support of our mission of being North Carolina’s urban research university. These changes will be effective July 1, 2022.
Specifically, the planned organizational changes are as follows:
- The vice chancellors for research and economic development and One IT will report directly to the chancellor.
- We will request System approval to change the executive director position with oversight for the Honors College to a dean position that will report directly to the provost and sit on the Dean’s Council.
In addition, several changes are planned for the provost’s office:
- An associate provost position has been created to lead the new School of Professional Studies; and pending review and approval by System Office, we will establish
- An associate provost for faculty affairs to better serve the needs of our faculty; and
- Institutional Research and the Office of Assessment and Accreditation will be merged. The position of associate provost will be created to lead the new unit.
Finally, the University will undertake a review of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to determine if the college is most effective as it is currently structured or if it should be reorganized into smaller colleges. This review will take place this year.
We are at an exciting juncture in our University’s history as we work to become a globally recognized, emerging top-tier research university that focuses on student access and social mobility. We believe that the above organizational changes/review will better align our resources to achieve our vision and goals. Please remember, any changes will not occur until July 2022. If you have any questions, please feel free to email at
Thank you for all you do for Charlotte!
Sharon L. Gaber
Joan Lorden