Important Information Regarding ChatGPT and AI Tools

Dear Colleagues,
There has been much discussion recently surrounding the academic usage and integrity of text-based AI tools such as ChatGPT, a new chatbot software that can explain ideas and concepts and generate convincing, human-like, though often oversimplified, written text.
These are exciting times! AI tools like this are here to stay and will rapidly evolve in the coming months and years. Charlotte has no plans to holistically restrict the use of ChatGPT or other AI tools. In fact, these tools provide unlimited potential here at Charlotte as we rely on innovation and collaboration to solve problems through engagement and research.
As Academic Affairs leaders and colleagues, we will work together to consider the impacts this new technology can have on the classes we teach and the students we serve. It will be our job to encourage our students to use these tools responsibly. Below are some resources to help you and your students navigate ChatGPT and AI tools.
Student learning, knowledge and outcomes are, and always will be, paramount to us as North Carolina’s urban research university. Faculty may include language in their syllabi addressing if, how and when the use of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT are permitted. If such language is included on the syllabus or in the instructions for an exam, assignment or academic exercise, using AI tools such as ChatGPT without authorization from the course’s instructor, may be considered a violation of the Code of Student Academic Integrity.
Many have asked if Charlotte can get a University-wide tool to detect AI-generated work. Enterprise tools are not on the market yet, but we will continue exploring options as they become available.
This will not be the last technology to have important implications on teaching and learning at Charlotte. I ask that we be patient with one another as we learn how to make this part of the University in a valuable and responsible way.
Alicia L. Bertone
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Faculty Resources
- Suggested syllabus language
- Faculty guides for using AI to support student learning
- How to start a conversation about suspected academic misconduct
- Code of Student Academic Integrity
- Center for Teaching and Learning workshops