The Latest Update on Fall Enrollment

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your ongoing support of our enrollment efforts. Going forward this summer, the reports I share will include total enrollment by department compared to the equivalent date last year. You will find total enrollment on the second tab of the sheets.

Here are the latest updates from the past two weeks:

Undergraduate Enrollment

  • Admitted FTIC and transfer students who have submitted their intent to enroll are reserving their New Student Orientation date, completing virtual modules and advising sessions before gaining access to registration. In-person sessions begin June 14. More information on the New Student Orientation process can be found at
  • Undergraduate Admissions continues to process and review transfer applications on a daily basis. The team expects to admit an additional 1,300 transfer students between now and August. Their full attention is focused on making decisions as quickly as possible.
  • Departments are encouraged to focus outreach and connection with new undergraduates by:
    • Sending welcome messages to recently admitted students, highlighting department/college opportunities and encouraging enrollment.
    • Ensuring that advisors are able to focus their time and attention on advising new students and assisting them with the transition to the college.
  • Remember that the Orientation experience is a continuation of our recruitment efforts. Meet the College sessions should be welcoming and encouraging for students so that they leave confident in their decision to be a Niner and ready to join us in August (or sooner if they’re taking summer courses)!

Graduate Enrollment

  • To date, 674 new students have begun their studies in the summer semester, and another 1,804 students are continuing their programs. It is critical that you continue to encourage new and continuing students to be advised and register for classes in the fall term.
  • 383 applications remain in the ‘Ready for Review,’ ‘Hold for Additional Information,’ and ‘Waitlist’ bins in Slate. Please review these applications and make recommendations on admission as soon as possible.
View the latest reports
Tips for how you can continue to help us make a difference are included below for easy reference.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out directly to Claire Kirby, associate provost of enrollment management, Johnna Watson, associate dean for graduate enrollment management and funding, or me.
Alicia L. Bertone
Alicia L. Bertone
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Here are some tips to consider:

  • Make timely decisions. If you are responsible for decisions in your department about graduate admissions or readmits, please ensure they are being made in a timely fashion. Additionally, if you can increase your enrollment capacity in graduate programs, please consider doing so if you have qualified applicants.
  • Reaching out to transfer students may establish a connection that will affect a student’s decision, particularly in light of the longer processing of these applications. If students are exploring multiple options, we want to be their first choice!
  • Look at space to expand. Review class offerings and determine where there is space to expand capacity in high-demand courses – either by increasing enrolled credit hours or decreasing time to degree. I encourage you to look beyond high-enrollment major courses.
  • Encourage students to take action. Reach out to eligible students who have not registered for the fall and encourage them to seek assistance if needed. Retention of current students is critical to our enrollment efforts.