UNC Charlotte Academic Procedure: Flexible Work

I. Executive Summary

This procedure describes how to implement the University’s flexible work policy in each unit.

II. Procedure Statement

Guiding Principles

Student-Serving Approach

The Division of Academic Affairs supports the mission and goals of UNC Charlotte and is committed to the success of students through programs delivered primarily on our residential campus. Therefore, our first priority is ensuring students are well served.

Employee-Honoring Options

UNC Charlotte also seeks to be an employer of choice and understands that employees have varied needs to achieve work/life balance. While some services must be delivered face-to-face, we recognize that there are instances in which telework options have proven to be viable work practices for employees. To attract and retain a more diverse workforce, UNC Charlotte supports the use of appropriate telework for employees where it is possible.

Telework Decision Process

The type of work drives decisions about where, how, and how often telework should or can be done. Supervisors should:

  • Prioritize highly effective delivery of our mission.
  • Assess the effect of telework on customer service or other similar priorities in making decisions.
  • Consider both individual and unit productivity. Productivity is measured in terms of outcomes and deliverables, not work schedule.
  • Develop employees in their professional capacities.
  • Consider actions and communication protocol related to contingencies (e.g., Multiple employees suddenly need to take leave – will you call team members back to on-site? If hoteling office space among unit employees, what will you do should a non-performing employee need to return 100% on campus for direct supervision?)


This procedure applies to SHRA and EHRA staff; the Provost has also approved this procedure for use with covered faculty librarians. In accordance with University Policy 101.22: Flexible Work and Telework Arrangements for SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty Employees, managers in colleges and units in the Division of Academic Affairs should:

  1. Review policy, management considerations, and expectations for flexible working arrangements.
  2. Develop a flexible work plan for each unit. The template provided may be used.
  3. Submit a plan for each unit to Academic Affairs for review a minimum of two weeks prior to estimated plan launch. Submit all completed plans to: academicaffairs@uncc.edu.
  4. Unit plan should be submitted by manager and should include review by:
    1. Department Chair/Unit Director or Head (if applicable)
    2. Dean/Associate Vice Chancellor/ Associate Provost/Assistant Provost
    3. Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  5. Submit individual, per employee, Teleworking Request(s)
    1. Requests should be submitted by employee via the following workflow in Docusign:
      1. Employee
      2. Manager
      3. Other Department Approver (optional)
      4. College/Unit Business Officer or College/Unit Dean, Associate or Assistant Provost (as designee for Divisional Vice Chancellor/Provost)
  6. Review:
    1. As units update and revise plans, the updated plan should be sent to Academic Affairs a minimum of two weeks prior to estimated plan launch.
    2. Reports of employee telework by college/unit will be reviewed by Academic Affairs via HR Datamart quarterly.

Iterative Review Process

All unit plans will be initially reviewed by Academic Affairs. As part of this iterative process, following six month of implementation, units will be asked to review their plans and reflect on what has and has not worked well.

III. Definitions

There are currently no definitions for this procedure.

IV. Procedure Contact(s)

V. History

  • Established: May 9, 2022

VI. Related Policies, Procedures, and Resources

VII. Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are the one-day-per-week teleworking agreements that have already been approved under the previous form/procedure still valid?
    ​No. The current one-day-per-week agreements expire June 30, 2022. A new form will have to be submitted for all telework arrangements.​​​
  • How is a “unit” defined for purposes of the telework plan?
    ​A work unit can be specific to the telework arrangement. This unit can be different or the same as the hiring unit as long as it’s well-defined. It can be an entire department or a part of a department and can be dependent on function and/or location.
  • Is a telework request required for each individual employee?
    Yes, every employee who teleworks must have an individual agreement.
  • Can telework plans include different arrangements for the regular academic year and the summer term?
    Yes, an employee’s telework plan can state different arrangements for work during the academic year vs. the summer term.
  • Is there separate training for supervisors and non-supervisors?
    Yes. For those who are both supervising teleworking employees as well as participating in teleworking themselves should complete both training sessions. Human Resources facilitates these training sessions.
  • Are library faculty included in this flexible work procedure?
    Yes, covered library faculty may follow this flexible work procedure as authorized by the Provost.
  • When do the telework arrangements become effective?
    The University’s new telework procedure is effective May 15, 2022. However, telework unit plans and employee agreements must be approved at all levels before the new arrangements are implemented.