For up-to-the-minute news from Academic Affairs (faculty awards, research, recognition, initiatives), visit the Academic Affairs Division News webpage.
August 26
Early Alert Deadline/CONNECT Training Modules and Best Practice Sessions
Early Alerts are due for all 1000/2000 level courses by 12:00 p.m.on Friday, September 13. Are you new to Charlotte? Check out the Advisor Tool Kit page. CONNECT Best Practices training modules are located on Canvas under published courses. Advisors and faculty can request a one on one or team session follow up training centered around your departmental initiatives. After completion of the training modules, make a follow up training requests. For more information contact Gary Martinez, Advising Systems Specialist, or LeeFredrick Bowen, Executive Director of Advising Systems.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Grants: Call for Proposals is now open! Proposals are due October 1. The SoTL Grants program aims to fund faculty projects that systematically examine and reflect upon the teaching and learning practices in their discipline using appropriate research methods. Grants may be awarded to individual faculty members or faculty groups who propose projects that will use funds to evaluate a teaching and learning intervention.
Projects must:
- Have measurable outcomes
- Benefit the UNC Charlotte Teaching and Learning Community
- Align with the University’s mission and Strategic Plan through one or more of the RFP strands below.
2024-2025 RFP Strands:
- Curricular Innovation and High Impact Teaching Practices
- Educational Technology Innovation
- Pedagogies using AI
Submit your proposals by October 1 to receive funds by Winter Break.
Center for Teaching and Learning
What’s New in the CTL?
Looking for resources on teaching and learning with generative AI? Check out the AI Across the Curriculum webpage. This one-stop shop provides access to AI-related:
- Workshops
- Teaching Guides
- Teaching Toolkits
- Campus Software and Policies
- Campus-Wide Events and Conversations
- Thought Leadership on AI
- Faculty Grant Opportunities
- Microcredentials
In other news…
- Save the Date: CTL 25th Anniversary Party
- Coming Soon:
- Apply to become CTL Faculty Fellow on Generative AI
- Fall 2024 Workshop Schedule
Center for Teaching and Learning Workshops
Time is running out! One more week of the Innovate Your Teaching: Faculty Workshop Series.
Generative AI Workshops:
Part 1: Introduction to Gen-AI and Prompt Writing (with MS Copilot)
Part 2: Student Study Skills with Gen-AI (with MS Copilot)
Part 3: Student Writing Skills with Gen-AI (with MS Copilot)
Ethical Considerations for Teaching with Gen-AI
Zoom AI for Teaching
Syllabus and Classroom Communication on AI Tools
Canvas Foundations Workshops:
Part 1: Canvas Studio – Creating Video Assignments
Active Learning Workshops:
Getting Started with Active Teaching and Learning
Part 1: Teaching with Poll Everywhere
Part 2: Active Learning with Poll Everywhere
Designing and Implementing Group Projects
Syllabus Strategies Workshops:
Syllabus and Classroom Communication on AI Tools
Teaching Effectiveness with Canvas Tools Workshops:
Part 1: Canvas Analytics for Early Intervention
Part 2: Canvas Studio: Exploring Video Insights
Student Success Strategies Workshops:
Growth Mindset Activities for Your Class
Orientation to Globally Networked Learning (GNL)
Reflections that Resonate: Transforming Classroom Learning
Please visit the Faculty Governance website for the latest news from the Faculty Council including:
The dissertation defense is one of the ways a new scholar demonstrates readiness to join the academy and is an opportunity to share their research widely. View All Dissertation Defense Announcements.

To have items included in the digest, complete the NEWS DIGEST REQUEST FORM.
Deadline for submission is 11:00 a.m. every Friday.