October 7

Final Grading is open for Fall 2024 H1; grades are due at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, October 11. Midterm grading for the Full Term opened on Friday, September 27. Midterm grades are also due at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, October 11

Atkins Library will be closed on Saturday, October 12 for the modification/relocation of the building water and sprinkler mains. This closure is during fall break when Atkins was scheduled to be open from 1:00-5:00 p.m. The library will reopen Sunday, October 13 at 1:00 p.m

urbanCORE is offering a full roster of October events for those interested in community engagement. All events in Sycamore 306. For more information, contact Holly Middleton.

Joanne Carman Opens the Engaged Faculty Lounge!

Drop in for an informal conversation about successful community-engaged assignment design with Joanne Carman, Professor of Political Science and Public Administration. More information.

  • Wednesday, October 9, 1:00 – 2:00 PM 

urbanCORE and NCCE Welcome Margaret Malone, Executive Editor of Gateways: International Journal of Community Engagement and Research, as Special Guest

We are fortunate to welcome Dr. Margaret Malone of the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, during her visit to the United States. Dr. Malone is an experienced academic editor, writer and researcher, with extensive experience mentoring authors from around the world. Her long-term involvement in academic journal publishing underpins her critical focus on participation, knowledge democracy and change-oriented innovation in scholarly writing and publication. Over the course of her two-day visit, Professor Malone will be facilitating three events.

Panel discussion: “Community-university engagement: Recognizing the contributions of professional practitioners,” with Emily M. Janke, Margaret Malone, Dennis McCunney, and Byron P. White. 

Around the world, community-university engagement has grown exponentially over the past few decades. Central to its increased institutional legitimacy and credibility are the myriad expert contributions of professional scholar-administrators. Yet this vital work often goes unrecognized within the engaged literature and other venues. This panel will take up questions regarding these under-recognized contributions.

  • Tuesday, October 15, 10:00 – 11:30 AM, Location TBD (Register)

Community-engaged Writers Workshop

Bring your manuscript to this interactive workshop open to community-engaged researchers at any stage of a project. This workshop will focus on the research article as a resource that can be approached imaginatively and purposively, rather than a set of rules to be adhered to.

  • Tuesday, October 15, 12:30 – 2:00 PM, Sycamore 306 (Register)

Hybrid Webinar: “Communicating engagement: How community-university partnerships are re-imagining the research article.” 

Dr. Malone will share her research, which reveals the ways in which community-university teams are modifying and resisting the dominant genre conventions of the research article to better articulate their collaborative and change-oriented goals.

  • Wednesday, October 16, 12:15 – 1:15 PM, Sycamore 306 (Register)

The Free Expression & Constructive Dialogue Task Force is offering five $1,000 mini-grants for the 2024-2025 academic year. These funds are to be used by faculty to help promote free expression, constructive dialogue, and viewpoint diversity on campus. These funds could be used for items such as conference travel, classes/training, or other projects. All funds must be spent in accordance with University fiscal and procurement policies. Deadline to apply is Friday, November 1. Apply here. Summary Report due to FECD: August 15, 2025.

CTL 25th Anniversary Party

  • Friday, November 1, 3:00 – 5:00 PM, Kennedy Building, Second Floor (RSVP)

Supporting Students through Difficult Events and Conversations

Enroll in workshops to help you build communication strategies to support your students through difficult events and conversations. 

Center for Teaching and Learning Workshops 

Essentials of Teaching and Learning Certificate

Syllabus 101: Roadmap to Success

Introduction to Learning Objectives and Backward Design

Using Feedback to Improve Teaching and Learning

Enhancing Cultural Awareness

Generative AI

Part 2: Student Study Skills with Gen-AI (with MS Copilot)

Part 3: Student Writing Skills with Gen-AI (with MS Copilot)

Ethical Considerations for Teaching with Gen-AI

Zoom AI for Teaching

Canvas Foundations

Canvas: Quizzing

Canvas: Assignments and Gradebook

This workshop is part of the Essentials of Learning Technologies Certificate.

Part 2: Canvas Studio – Creating Video Quizzes

Active Learning

Part 1: Teaching with Poll Everywhere

Part 2: Active Learning with Poll Everywhere

Designing and Implementing Group Projects

Teaching Effectiveness with Canvas Tools

Part 1: Canvas Analytics for Early Intervention

Part 2: Canvas Studio – Exploring Video Insights

Part 3: Canvas Analytics to Improve Your Canvas Course Design

Student Success Strategies

Growth Mindset Activities for Your Class

Oct 11, 10:00am – 11:00am

Please visit the Faculty Governance website for the latest news from the Faculty Council including: 

The dissertation defense is one of the ways a new scholar demonstrates readiness to join the academy and is an opportunity to share their research widely. View All Dissertation Defense Announcements.

For up-to-the-minute news from Academic Affairs (faculty awards, research, recognition, initiatives), visit the Academic Affairs Division News webpage.

To have items included in the digest, complete the NEWS DIGEST REQUEST FORM

Deadline for submission is 11:00 a.m. every Friday.