Messages from the Provost

Dear Colleagues, As a follow-up to the message you received from Chancellor Gaber in today’s Niner Insider, we want to take a moment to acknowledge and thank you for your role in this historic achievement. UNC Charlotte’s designation as an R1 research university is a direct result of your dedication, expertise, and contributions across all […]

The Office of the Provost announces the launch of UNC Charlotte’s Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning Task Force. The task force, led by co-chairs Manuel Perez Quinones, professor, software information systems, and Kiran Budhrani, director of teaching and learning innovations, Center for Teaching and Learning, is composed of representatives from each college, Faculty Council […]

Dear Colleagues,  With a productive start underway to the 2024-25 academic year, students and faculty are diving into their classes, researchers continue their vigorous cadence and campus operations have resumed their familiar pace. Accentuated throughout our business-as-usual campus activity is the growing use of artificial intelligence.  At UNC Charlotte, AI use is prevalent in teaching […]

Dear Niner Nation,  As you likely know, on May 23, 2024, the UNC System Board of Governors voted to repeal and replace the Policy on Diversity and Inclusion Within the University of North Carolina (Policy 300.8.5) with a new policy, Equality Within the University of North Carolina. This new policy requires offices and positions at all […]

As we prepare for fall, I need to bring to your attention an adjustment to the class schedule that you will need to incorporate into your syllabus planning.   Weekday Football Game(s) As members of the American Athletic Conference, we can be asked to schedule football games during the week. For the Fall 2024 season, the […]

Dear Colleagues, As the world continues to grapple with news of conflict and war, many in our community are hurting. We are likely to see our students express their deep feelings over these events in a variety of ways, including demonstrations, rallies and walkouts, in the days and weeks ahead. Please keep the following in […]

Dear Colleagues, I hope the first few weeks of the semester have been productive for you and you are beginning to settle into a comfortable rhythm for your classes. I want to share some important health and safety reminders as we approach cold, flu and COVID-19 season, and as we continue to process the tragic […]

Colleagues, In light of the tragic shooting at Chapel Hill yesterday, I want to make sure you know you are cared for as we all process the sad and senseless loss of a fellow faculty member. I also want to remind you about available resources should you have concerns about students who may require additional […]

Dear Colleagues, Thank you for your continued support of our enrollment efforts. Your commitment is evident in the positive gains we see across the board. We have about three weeks until the start of the Fall 2023 semester. Here are the latest updates: Undergraduate Enrollment We have seen increases in new undergraduate enrollment over the […]

Dear Colleagues, Thank you for your continued support of our enrollment efforts. We have about five weeks until the start of the Fall 2023 semester. Here are the latest updates: Undergraduate Enrollment We have seen gains in new undergraduate enrollment as students make their way through the orientation and advising processes. Enrollment of new First-Time-in-College […]

Dear Colleagues, Thank you for your continued support of our enrollment efforts. We have about seven weeks until the start of the Fall 2023 semester. These reports reflect new enrollment (tab 1) and total enrollment (tab 2) by department compared to the equivalent date last year. Here are the latest updates: Undergraduate Enrollment New undergraduate […]

Dear Colleagues I am writing to provide you with the schedule for the AY23-24 opening week events. I have also included the dates for the regularly scheduled meetings of department chairs/directors and AA Council. New faculty members will receive personal invitations to attend the new faculty orientation events outlined below. New administrators are also contacted […]