Messages from the Provost

Dear colleagues, As we adapt to life in a virtual realm, I would like to share some encouragement and early lessons learned. You have been amazing about rapidly moving to remote instruction, but I understand this doesn’t mean your content has been revised pedagogically to be optimized for online learning. Be kind to yourself and […]

Dear colleagues, Together, we are charting unknown territory as we continuously pivot in response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic affecting our community. I appreciate all you are doing to provide alternative course delivery while guiding and supporting your students. Beginning March 23, all classes, including lab sections, will be delivered in an alternative remote or […]

Dear colleagues, Many thanks to all of you who have moved quickly to put your courses into alternative formats. Our goal is to help our students complete the semester, and you have stepped up. As this unprecedented situation continues to unfold, I am asking for more of your help in some specific ways. If you […]

Dear colleagues, As the University faces the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to first thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this unprecedented situation. For the health and well-being of our campus community and our greater community, the University is encouraging social distancing and is asking instructors to transition to alternative […]

Dear colleagues, As we resume classes and welcome students back to campus from spring break, we face a new challenge. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that forced the cancellation of spring study abroad programs in several countries has now reached North Carolina. While there is no imminent threat to the University, we need to be prepared […]