Students Receiving Unsatisfactory Midterm Grades

Dear colleagues:
I would like to thank all of you who have already reported – or are in the process of preparing to report – midterm unsatisfactory grades in your classes. If you have not yet reported midterm unsatisfactory grades, the deadline is noon on Friday, October 15, 2021, and you must complete the process even if you have no unsatisfactory grades to report.
Because everything we have learned indicates that the messages students get from you, the faculty, carry more weight than anything else, a group of experienced faculty and staff have developed these recommendations of best practices you should follow after posting mid-term grades in each of your classes:
1. Provide GUIDANCE
- What does a midterm D or F mean in terms of success in your course?
- What are the chances of recovery?
2. Provide ADVICE and INFORMATION about recovery:
- Review grading in the rest of the semester. How many points are left to earn? How can a student figure out the grades they need to earn in order to pass?
- Point students to support that is available: tutoring, workshops, your office hours, etc. Reference: Summary of Support Services for Students
3. RECOMMEND consultation with an advisor. Students should ask about:
- The implications for next semester’s course selection
- Progression in the major
- Time to degree
How-to Options:
- Take five minutes in class to discuss. This is particularly important in 1000 and 2000 level classes. You can address your advice to the whole class since students getting a C may benefit and pull their grade up to a B or A.
- Communicate individually with students, by email, or if circumstances warrant, in a one-on-one meeting
- Post your GUIDANCE, ADVICE & INFORMATION, and your RECOMMENDATIONS on your course Canvas site.
A midterm grade may lead a student to withdraw from the course. Please follow up with students for whom withdrawing is the best course of action. Remember that the regular deadline to withdraw is before midnight on October 22, 2021.
Students should be advised to consult with their advisor regarding any academic consequences that may result from a student taking a W, and with Niner Central regarding any financial questions regardless of the type of request made (full or partial withdrawal). Residential students requesting a full WE should be advised to reach out to Housing and Residence Life and Dining Services, if applicable, regarding contracts with those offices.
Thank you for all you do to support our students, especially the extra efforts taken during this challenging time.
Joan F. Lorden
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs