Student Success

UNC Charlotte Recognized for Supporting First Generation Students
During the pandemic, a new student-run organization began to take shape to connect and support students who identify as first-generation college students. First-Gen Niners brings together campus partners with students who do not have a family history of college attendance to form a support system for the unique challenges and obstacles that many first-generation students […]

General Education Town Hall Meetings
Dear Faculty, The General Education Task Force would like to share its current proposal for the revised 2023 General Education curriculum. The Task Force has scheduled two Town Hall meetings to get your feedback. Thursday, February 17, 2022: 4:00-5:30 p.m. Friday, February 18, 2022: 9:30-11:00 a.m. Your participation in town hall meetings last fall served […]

Providing Early Feedback to Students on Unsatisfactory Progress
Attention Faculty: As you prepare for your Spring 2022 classes, please design your syllabus so that you are able to provide early feedback and meet the deadlines listed below. Research and our own experience show that students have the ability and desire to improve – they just need the awareness and encouragement to do so. […]

Students Receiving Unsatisfactory Midterm Grades
Dear colleagues: I would like to thank all of you who have already reported – or are in the process of preparing to report – midterm unsatisfactory grades in your classes. If you have not yet reported midterm unsatisfactory grades, the deadline is noon on Friday, October 15, 2021, and you must complete the process […]

2021-2022 Catalogs Now Available Online
The new 2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs are now available online. The newly published catalogs contain new or revised programs and courses that have reached final approval through Curriculog. Please note that the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs are each published online once per year. Curriculum proposals currently in progress and any new proposals will be […]

UNC Charlotte progresses toward 5-year System goals
UNC Charlotte is meeting or exceeding goals related to student access and success, according to performance metrics released by the University of North Carolina System (UNC System) that align with goals for member institutions outlined in the UNC System’s 2017-22 Strategic Plan. UNC Charlotte is one of three member universities to meet or exceed annual […]

2020-2021 Catalogs Now Available Online
The new 2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs are now available online. The newly published catalogs contain new or revised programs and courses that have reached final approval through Curriculog. Please note that the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs are each published online once per year. Curriculum proposals currently in progress and any new proposals will be […]