UNC Charlotte Academic Procedure: Degree Program Delivery Method Revision

I. Executive Summary

This procedure describes the steps that should be followed to add online, site-based, or off-campus delivery to an existing degree program.

II. Procedure Statement

The following steps should be followed to add online, site-based, or off-campus delivery to an existing degree program. If the program does not yet exist in the UNC Charlotte academic inventory, please follow the campus procedures for new degree programs.

If the program exists in the UNC Charlotte academic inventory, and you wish to offer the program 50% or more online or hybrid, or 25% or more off campus, please follow these steps:

  1. Department(s) proposes program to appropriate Dean(s).
  2. Department(s) requests consultation with the School of Professional Studies.
  3. Department(s) prepares the Request to Deliver and the Academic Program Planning Financial Worksheet and submits via Curriculog using the Program Delivery Form.
  4. Office of Academic Affairs reviews and submits Request to Deliver to UNC System Office.
  5. After four weeks, UNC System Office will give approval to plan or ask for additional information.
  6. Once the Request to Deliver is approved, it is posted for system-wide review and comment for 30 days.
  7. After 30 days:
    a. If no comments are received, UNC System Office responds that proposal is complete and grants approval.
    b. If comments are received, UNC System Office requests additional information and campus replies within four weeks.
  8. Office of Academic Affairs or School of Professional Studies consults with relevant campus offices, including but not limited to: Office of the Registrar, Institutional Research and Decision Support, and the Office of Accreditation and Assessment. Off-campus sites must be approved by SASCOC before the start of a new program.

III. Definitions

There are currently no definitions for this procedure.

IV. Procedure Contact(s)

V. History

  • 7/28/22: Revised [Added 25% or more requirement for off-campus delivery for completion of the Request to Deliver; updated procedure to include School of Professional Studies]
  • 06/25/18: Revised [Updated to include new Curriculog process]

VI. Related Policies, Procedures, and Resources

VII. Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where is this procedure referenced?
    The procedure is published on the Academic Policies & Procedures webpage of the Provost website.