UNC Charlotte Academic Procedure: Faculty Fulbright

I. Executive Summary

UNC Charlotte recognizes the value and prestige of Fulbright Fellowships, which benefit our faculty, students, and institution in a multitude of ways. This process ensures that UNC Charlotte provides “encouraging” support for faculty participants, which is the highest level denoted by the Institute of International Education, the Fulbright administrator at the national level.

II. Procedure Statement

All full-time faculty who are U.S. citizens are eligible to apply. Faculty may take a professional/scholarly leave for a Fulbright Fellowship anytime for up to one academic year with appropriate arrangements with the Department, College, and Division of Research.


  1. When applying for a Fulbright, the faculty member must submit a proposal and the appropriate materials in accordance with the Application Process described below.
  2. Faculty on a Fulbright are eligible for consideration for merit salary increases, promotion, and one-time payments or any other salary adjustments approved by the General Assembly, the Board of Governors, or UNC Charlotte.
  3. For faculty who are on a Fulbright, this period will be considered as an approved leave for professional/scholarly purposes.
  4. Depending on the type and duration of the award, faculty members on a Fulbright may be expected to devote full-time to the approved project for semester and academic year-long programs. Some Fulbright awards are shorter in duration so professional/scholarly leave requests may vary.

Duration and Compensation

Because there is variability in the ways Fulbright stipends and associated funds are distributed, there are two scenarios that may apply to aim for equity:

  1. If the Fulbright Fellow receives a stipend separate from the living allowance directly, they will retain this stipend and will retain their full salary with associated benefits. The faculty’s home department will receive a one-time $8,000 stipend, regardless of the duration of the fellowship, intended to support replacement costs (jointly funded by Academic Affairs, the Office of International Programs, and the Division of Research). If the Department has a need for additional part time funds, they will make a request to the Division of Research with justification, but this is not guaranteed.
  2. If the institution receives the scholar’s stipend separate from the living allowances directly, the Fulbright Fellow will retain their full salary with associated benefits. In addition, the faculty member will receive the Fulbright stipend paid to the university as a stipend in the summer following the Fulbright experience to support ongoing Fulbright-related activities. The faculty’s home department will receive a one-time $8,000 stipend, regardless of the duration of the fellowship, intended to support replacement costs (jointly funded by Academic Affairs, the Office of International Programs, and the Division of Research). If the Department has a need for additional part time funds, they will make a request to the Division of Research with justification.

Duration of the approved leave will depend on the specific Fulbright award as there are semester term and full academic year awards (i.e. nine months). Faculty are expected to discuss leave request details with the department chair and the dean at the time of application. In addition, faculty are required to ensure that all Fulbright proposals are submitted through NinerResearch, with all appropriate approvals.


  1. The proposal will be routed with NinerResearch and fully approved prior to submission of the Fulbright application following all of the requirements.
  2. The faculty member will work with the chair on a plan for teaching replacement and service coverage.
  3. The faculty member will work with the campus Fulbright contact/Associate Provost for International Programs in preparation of the application.

University Obligations and Return to Service

  1. Faculty on a Fulbright will need to apply for a professional/scholarly leave (Form AA-32) for the duration of their fellowship.
  2. Faculty may be expected to maintain contact with graduate advisees or to make other arrangements to ensure that students’ progress will not be disrupted. Faculty may also participate in the department faculty evaluation process (for annual reviews or hiring) if the department bylaws provide this opportunity. Faculty members who are P.I.’s are expected to provide a Management Plan for how the funded research will be handled during the time on leave. While on a Fulbright, faculty are encouraged to meet with overseas alumni, or meet with prospective international students, when possible.
  3. Faculty who receive the Fulbright are required to return to service at the university for a minimum of one year of full time service at UNC Charlotte or to repay the salary received during the period of leave.
  4. Due to the nature of professional/scholarly leave of absence associated with being a Fulbright recipient, a participating faculty member’s eligibility clock for a Reassignment of Duties will be reset.
  5. For faculty who are part of the N.C. Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS), you will need to contact the Director of Academic Affairs Human Resources in the Office of Academic Affairs and the Benefits Department in Human Resources for details regarding retirement benefits.
  6. A faculty member on a Fulbright who accepts a position at another postsecondary institution or any other paid employment that was not included in the proposal or approved through the External Professional Activities for Pay policy will be considered to have abandoned his or her contract and would be terminated.

Report and Service
Awardees must file a brief written report with the department chairperson/college prior to the end of the semester of return to full time duty. An information copy should also be forwarded to the Provost, along with the dean’s assessment of accomplishments during the period. Upon return, Fulbright Fellows are expected to collaborate with the Office of International Programs and the faculty’s home department on promotional sessions to encourage participation in the program, including undertaking at least two campus presentations about their experience and be willing to serve as a campus resource to those interested in applying to the program in the future.

III. Definitions


IV. Policy/Procedure Contact(s)

V. History

  • Established: October 20, 2023

VI. Related Policies, Procedures, and Resources

VII. Frequently Asked Questions

There are no Frequently Asked Questions for this procedure.