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Criminal Background Check Process
To initiate the Criminal Background Check screening process for faculty, send an email to to begin the process.
Your email should contain the following information:
Faculty Applicant: Legal name of the Faculty Applicant, to include middle name
Faculty Type: Full-Time Faculty, Part-Time Faculty, Unpaid Adjunct, etc.
Position Number: Full-Time Faculty Position Number, EPTF50 for Part-Time Faculty, and 000091 for Unpaid Adjunct
Position Type: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, etc. for Full-Time Faculty, Adjunct for Part-Time Faculty, and Unpaid Adjunct for Unpaid Adjuncts
Department: Title of the Faculty Applicant’s department
Department Contact Name: Department point of contact for CBC request
Department Organization Code: Five digit department code
Downloadable Background Screening Instructions
Academic Affairs will initiate an email through the Criminal Background Check screening vendor, Infomart, using the email address that the candidate listed on their job application in NinerTalent. The final candidate will be sent an electronic invitation via email asking them to complete the online consent form. It is extremely important that the Criminal Background Check Application completed by the Faculty Applicant include his or her middle name. If the applicant does not have a middle name, they should type none in the area where the middle name would be listed. Once Academic Affairs is notified of satisfactory results, you will be notified via email that the Criminal Background Check is complete.
Visit The Graduate Center for Life and Learning for the Criminal Background Check screening process for Postdoctoral Fellows.
Full-Time Faculty Forms
Hiring Forms
- AA-09: Agreement for Initial Full-Time Appointment as Assistant Professor
- AA-10: Agreement for Initial Full-Time Appointment as Associate Professor for Five-Year Term
- AA-11: Agreement for Initial Full-Time Appointment as Associate Professor With Permanent Tenure
- AA-12: Agreement for Initial Full-Time Appointment as Professor for Four-Year Term
- AA-13: Agreement for Initial Full-Time Appointment as Professor with Permanent Tenure
- AA-14: Agreement for Full-Time Special Faculty Appointment
- AA-19: Agreement for Initial Full-Time Appointment as Department Chair and Professor with Permanent Tenure
Candidate Evaluative Criteria Templates (choose one)
- Employee Moving Reimbursement Procedures
- AA-43: Faculty Duty Station Attestation
- AA-33: Authorization for Release of Information for Verification of Credentials
- AA-42: Faculty Salary Increase Request Justification Form
- AA-03: Faculty Request for Waiver
- AA-21: Faculty Qualifications Report
- Hiring Negotiations Checklist
- New Faculty Start-Up Request Template
Leave of Absence Forms
Contract Renewal Forms
- AA-14: Agreement for Full-Time Special Faculty Appointment
- AA-06: Appointment of Special Faculty (to be used for reappointments)
Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Forms
Part-Time Faculty Forms
Hiring Forms
Postdoctoral Fellows Forms
Hiring Forms – Please see the Center For Graduate Life and Learning for these forms.
Budget Forms
PD-7 & Other Miscellaneous Forms
- Abolishment of Position (AoP) Justification Form
- Foreign National Information Form
- PD-7 – Personnel Action Form
- Retired Temporary Employee Waiver to Work More Than 12 months
- SBTI Waiver Tracking Form
- Visa Documentation for UNC Charlotte International Staff and Faculty
- Volunteer Agreement
- FAQs for NinerWorks