Bonnie E. Cone Distinguished Professorship for Teaching

The Bonnie E. Cone Distinguished Professorship for Teaching was created in 1992 by the trustees of UNC Charlotte upon recommendation of the Faculty Council to honor superior career achievement in teaching. In recognition of the high level of accomplishment required of individuals named as Distinguished Professors, it was decided that only up to five members of the University faculty may hold this title at the same time. When established, the purpose of the program was to honor persons who had established careers at UNC Charlotte. They were to be tenured full professors, have been at UNC Charlotte for five years, and have held their current professorial rank for at least five years. There was no time limit to the professorship. The Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professorship in Teaching and Bonnie E. Cone Professorship in Civic Engagement are now being awarded in place of the Bonnie E. Cone Distinguished Professorship for Teaching.


  • 2003: Dr. Cynthia Combs, Political Science
  • 1998: Dr. James Oliver, Biology
  • 1997: Dr. Boyd Davis, English
  • 1996: Dr. Albert Maisto, Psychology
  • 1995: Dr. Ganesh Mohanty, Engineering Science
  • 1994: Dr. John Lincourt, Philosophy
  • 1993: Dr. Miriam Leiva, Mathematics