UNC Charlotte Academic Procedure: New Degree Programs
I. Executive Summary
The process for planning and establishing a new degree program (undergraduate major or graduate program) at UNC Charlotte is governed by the rules and regulations of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors who have the authority to approve new degree programs (UNC Policy Manual Chapter 400.1 – Academic Programs).
II. Procedure Statement
The following steps should be followed to begin the process of requesting a new degree program:
- Department(s) proposes program to appropriate Dean(s). If acknowledged for further consideration, Dean(s) consults with Provost and seeks authorization to proceed with Request for Preliminary Authorization and Request to Establish.
- If approved by Provost to proceed, Dean consults with Associate Provost and Chief of Staff to schedule a 90-minute Kick-Off Meeting with the individuals from the department(s)/college(s) who will be involved in proposing the new program.
- Following the Kick-Off Meeting, a draft Request for Preliminary Authorization and Request to Establish is prepared by the department(s)/program(s) and uploaded to Curriculog using the New Degree Program form. The Request for Preliminary Authorization and the Request to Establish forms are used for new on-campus and distance education/online programs. The form should include a (1) Substantive Change Planning Questionnaire, (2) UNC System Academic Program Planning Financial Worksheet, and (3) Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan as addendums.
- If SACSCOC Prospectus is required (see Substantive Change Planning Questionnaire), submit Faculty Roster form as part of Request to Establish.
- If the proposed program includes online and/or off-campus delivery, Program Form 4: Program Delivery should also be completed within Curriculog.
- Within Curriculog, the forms are routed through the faculty governance review process.
- Following Faculty Council review, the proposal is routed via Curriculog to the Provost and Office of Academic Affairs for review.
- Provost and Office of Academic Affairs review the forms and decide to proceed with Chancellor consultation (including ranking of proposed program within college and institutional priorities) or return proposal to college with additional comments/considerations.
- If approved to proceed, Office of Academic Affairs submits the final Request for Preliminary Authorization to UNC System Office and posts the final version on the Academic Program Planning and Authorization webpage.
- UNC System Office responds (within four weeks) with approval or denial to proceed and subsequent review follows in accordance with timeline.
- If approved to proceed, Office of Academic Affairs submits Request to Establish to UNC System Office and posts the final version on the Academic Program Planning and Authorization webpage.
- UNC System Office responds (within four weeks) and subsequent review follows in accordance with timeline.
III. Definitions
There are currently no definitions for this procedure.
IV. Procedure Contact(s)
- Authority: Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Responsible Office: Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Additional Contact(s): n/a
V. History
- 06/25/18: Revised [Updated to include new Curriculog process]
- 01/06/21: Revised [Updated required forms per UNC System Office; “Letter of Intent” changed to “Request for Preliminary Authorization”]
- 05/17/24: Revised [Combined Part I and Part II of procedure]
VI. Prior Versions
VII. Related Policies, Procedures, and Resources
VIII. Frequently Asked Questions
- Where is this procedure referenced?
The procedure is published on the Academic Policies & Procedures webpage of the Provost website.