Messages from the Provost

Happy First Day of Classes
Dear Colleagues, Let me be among the first to wish you a happy first day of classes! A new semester comes with renewed opportunities to connect with students and colleagues, pursue meaningful and innovative research and continue to achieve the goals set forth in our strategic plan. I hope you are as excited as I […]

Happy New Year, New Colleagues!
Dear Colleagues, Happy New Year! I hope each of you had a happy, healthy and relaxing break. What a pleasure it is to call myself a member of Niner Nation – officially! I have been looking forward to this day since Chancellor Gaber announced my appointment in October. Thank you to everyone who has already […]

Additional Health Information for the Fall Semester
Colleagues, I am writing to follow up on yesterday’s message from Chancellor Gaber with some additional guidance as you navigate a semester with not only the continuation of COVID-19 but the added concern about monkeypox. I want to stress that monkeypox is very different from COVID-19. It remains a rare disease that requires very close […]

Fall 2022 Planned Schedule Interruption: Weekday Football Game
As we prepare for fall, I need to bring to your attention an adjustment to the class schedule that you will need to incorporate into your syllabus planning. Weekday Football Game As members of Conference USA, we can be asked to schedule football games during the week. Next year, the football team will play one […]

Important Follow-up Regarding Masks in the Classroom
Dear Colleagues, As we were informed in Monday’s NinerNotice, the University is changing its guidance on face masks in response to a directive from the UNC System Office. I know that many of you planned your teaching schedule with the assumption that face masks would continue to be a requirement this semester and I have […]

Announcing urbanCORE
Dear colleagues: We are happy to share with you the University’s latest milestone in creating a structure to maximize our long-standing mission and commitment to addressing the cultural, economic, educational, environmental, health, and social needs of the greater Charlotte region. As part of North Carolina’s urban research university serving the state’s largest city, many of […]

Unsatisfactory Midterm Grades
Dear Colleagues: I would like to thank all of you who have already reported – or are in the process of preparing to report – midterm unsatisfactory grades in your classes. If you have not yet reported midterm unsatisfactory grades, the deadline is noon on Friday, March 4, and you must complete the process even […]

General Education Town Hall Meetings
Dear Faculty, The General Education Task Force would like to share its current proposal for the revised 2023 General Education curriculum. The Task Force has scheduled two Town Hall meetings to get your feedback. Thursday, February 17, 2022: 4:00-5:30 p.m. Friday, February 18, 2022: 9:30-11:00 a.m. Your participation in town hall meetings last fall served […]

Senior Associate Provost Jay Raja Plans Return to Faculty
Dr. Jay Raja, senior associate provost for Academic Affairs, plans to return to the faculty in a full professor role with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science beginning in July 2022. “Dr. Raja is an exceptional leader who is skilled at bringing people together to develop and implement innovative programs. His expertise has […]

Haines Appointed Associate Provost of School of Professional Studies
Dear colleagues: As Chancellor Gaber and I announced in a September 30 message, an associate provost position has been created to lead the new School of Professional Studies. This is part of a number of changes within the Division of Academic Affairs to enhance several aspects of our organizational structure to continue progress in support […]