Honorary Degrees
One of the highlights of UNC Charlotte’s Commencement ceremonies is the recognition of individuals for exceptional and distinctive service to the University or the larger community with an honorary degree from UNC Charlotte.
Nomination Process
For details on nomination criteria, procedures, and the Nominations, Honors, and Awards Committee, please see University Policy 209, Honorary Degrees.
The deadline for nominations is October 21, 2024. Nominations should be directed to Matt Wyse, Faculty Governance Assistant, Office of Academic Affairs, 223 Cato Hall, UNC Charlotte (mwyse@charlotte.edu).
Honorary Degrees Conferred include:
May 10, 2024 | Lynn J. Good | Doctor of Public Service |
May 16, 2023 | Demond T. Martin | Doctor of Public Service |
May 13-14, 2022 | Karen Popp Joe Price | Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Public Service |
May 11-12, 2018 | Ann Clark Ophelia Garmon-Brown | Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Public Service |
Dec 16, 2017 | Julius Rolf Weinberg | Doctor of Humane Letters |
May 13, 2016 | Fannie Flono Emily Zimmern | Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Public Service |
May 9, 2015 | Jerry Richardson | Doctor of Public Service |
May 9, 2014 | Eugene B. Johnson | Doctor of Public Service |
May 11, 2013 | Ruth G. Shaw | Doctor of Public Service |
May 14, 2011 | James H. Woodward | Doctor of Public Service |
May 15, 2010 | Leon and Sandra Levine | Doctor of Public Service |
May 11, 2009 | Harvey Gantt | Doctor of Public Service |
May 10, 2008 | John Crawford | Doctor of Public Service |
Dec 15, 2007 | Seddon Goode, Jr. | Doctor of Public Service |
May 12, 2007 | Felix Sabates | Doctor of Public Service |
May 13, 2006 | Howard C. Bissell | Doctor of Public Service |
May 14, 2005 | Howard J. Haworth | Doctor of Public Service |
May 15, 2004 | Edward J. Snyder, Jr. | Doctor of Public Service |
Dec 20, 2003 | John Crosland, Jr. | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Dec 14, 2002 | Lech Walesa | Doctor of Laws |
May 11, 2002 | Rolfe Neill | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Dec 15, 2001 | Ruth M. Easterling | Doctor of Laws |
May 12, 2001 | Robert B. Jordan, III | Doctor of Laws |
Dec 16, 2000 | Bishop George E. Battle, Jr. | Doctor of Public Service |
May 13, 2000 | Wayland H. Cato, Jr. | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Dec 18, 1999 | Erskine E. Bowles | Doctor of Public Service |
May 15, 1999 | Russell M. Robinson, II | Doctor of Public Service |
Dec 19, 1998 | Dale F. Halton | Doctor of Humane Letters |
May 10, 1998 | E.K. Fretwell, Jr. | Doctor of Public Service |
Dec 20, 1997 | William H. Grigg | Doctor of Public Service |
May 10, 1997 | Edward E. Crutchfield | Doctor of Public Service |
Dec 14, 1996 | Irwin Belk | Doctor of Public Service |
May 6, 1996 | Mariam Cannon Hayes Robert Griffith Hayes | Doctor of Humane Letters Doctor of Humane Letters |
May 13, 1995 | Herman Blumenthal | Doctor of Humane Letters |
May 14, 1994 | George T. Butler | Doctor of Humane Letters |
May 15, 1993 | W. Duke Kimbrell | Doctor of Public Service |
May 10, 1992 | John Cocke S. Scott Ferebee | Doctor of Science Doctor of Fine Arts |
May 11, 1991 | Jack E. Claiborne Elizabeth S. Randolph | Doctor of Humane Letters Doctor of Public Service |
May 12, 1990 | R. Stuart Dickson Jacob Berke Freedland James B. McMillan | Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Laws |
May 13, 1989 | David S. Citron Hugh L. McColl, Jr. | Doctor of Humane Letters Doctor of Public Service |
May 14, 1988 | William States Lee, III W. Ann Reynolds David Taylor | Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Humane Letters Doctor of Public Service |
May 16, 1987 | Thomas M. Belk Richard H. Hagemeyer Oliver R. Rowe Terry Sanford | Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Humane Letters Doctor of Laws |
May 18, 1986 | William C. Friday | Doctor of Public Service |
May 11, 1985 | Gov. James G. Martin Loonis Reeves McGlohon Edyth Farnham Winningham | Doctor of Laws Doctor of Humane Letters Doctor of Humane Letters |
1984 | William J. Bennett James J. Harris Ellen Black Winston | Doctor of Humanities Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Public Service |
1983 | Charles Clifford Cameron John Labon Fraley John Hope Franklin Susie Marshall Sharp | Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Humanities Doctor of Laws |
1982 | Anita Stroud | Doctor of Humanities |
1980-1981 | No degrees awarded | |
May 12, 1979 | Dean Wallace Colvard Bonnie Ethel Cone | Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Humanities |
1978 | No degrees awarded | |
May 7, 1977 | Harry Lee Dalton Harry Lewis Golden Alice Lindsay Tate | Doctor of Literature Doctor of Humane Letters Doctor of Humane Letters |
1975-1976 | No degrees awarded | |
May 12, 1974 | Sam J. Ervin, Jr. | Doctor of Laws |
1970-1973 | No degrees awarded | |
June 1, 1969 | Luther Hartwell Hodges John Paul Lucas, Jr. | Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters |
May 26, 1968 | Frank Porter Graham Addison Hardcastle Reese | Doctor of Letters Doctor of Laws |
Note: The Board of Trustees has the legal and moral right to grant honorary degrees in the name of the University. The Faculty assumes no responsibility for the awarding of honorary degrees. The Faculty is willing, however, to advise the Board of Trustees on this matter through the activity of the Honorary Degree Advisory Committee. The Committee is charged to work with the Trustees and the Chancellor to suggest individuals for honorary degrees.